• About
    vivID Blue

It all starts with Insight, being the “I” in the IDea™ process. Insight inspires us and others in words and images.

We love storytelling and are captivated by a well-constructed narrative, putting life into charismatic characters that perform in conflicting situations. We prefer them to have fresh, idiosyncratic voices, to evoke feelings, and to provoke thoughts.

We equally love to spread messages and promote diversity. This means that we are content-conscious. We insist on spreading messages about values and ideas we believe in. Generally, we are risk-averse, but do appreciate fresh thinking and risk-takers, both in life and in a storyline.

vivID was established in 1989 in the UK, and presently operates from its head office in Israel. We operate globally, always seeking fresh knowledge and insight wherever they can be found, and exploring opportunities and markets worldwide.

A letter from our presIDent

These are exciting times. Things are ever-evolving, changing, and conveying a promise of both challenge and excitement. In these times, some only dream their desired scenarios, while others choose to spread the messages found in their dreams in the form of words and images.

We are all of that. We dream, we tell stories, we develop narratives and we compose content that best represents ideas and beliefs. And we don’t stop there. We also strive to publish them as compelling products that strike a chord with our emotions.

Throughout the years, we have operated in an ever-changing environment, starting out as a marketing consultancy, serving customers worldwide as developers of textual and visual content, as purchasers and sellers of rights, as well as engaging in licensing and publishing. Our use of technologies has spread throughout the early days of word-processing and film photography, through video, digital printing and all facets of digital media.

Personally, I am excited by stories that are told in an unexpected manner. I am always looking for fresh thinking, but, at the same time, I also like to see a reference to, or even a hint of, old knowledge and culture, such as mythology, the cradle of storytelling. I also incline toward psychological issues and emotional and behavioral inputs in both textual and graphic contents.

As part of our corporate culture, diversity and social justice are much desired. Indeed, these are reflected in titles we have chosen for translation rights and publishing. Oh, and I love a good laugh!

Well, that’s about me. What about you? If you have a fresh IDea®, whether you are an author, an illustrator, a literary agent, a multi-media content provider, a licensor or a publisher, let us hear from you. We all share this creative world. I am, myself, a member of SCBWI, and regularly attend book, rights and licensing fairs.

Dudi Avney

David Avney

