It has just been disclosed that there are two group heroes at Bravya: five Snails and six Bravyans. The Snails have already been revealed to the public and now is the turn of their supporting characters.
Bravyans are short, human-like creatures. They gather, from time to time, in a castle with red towers that is located on the carpets of grass and flowers of Bravya. In the Bravyan council there are six members: three Bravyan men and three Bravyan women. They follow on the progress of the snails. They also interact with the human adults and children who are visiting Bravya in order to solve problems and answer questions that concern their lives.
So, we have six members in the Bravyan council: Aqua, Luman, Spacio, Areo, Terra and the chairwoman, Elsya.
We’re here exactly for these complicated
Elsya,Chairwoman of the Bravyan Concil “BRAVYA – Rubin Discovers Light”
Bravya is a series developed by vivID Ltd.
Copyright © 2018 by David Avney
Licensing rights © VIVID Ltd.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of VIVID Ltd.
Avney, David (Author) | Weisberg, Galit (Illustrator)
Bravya – Branky Discovers Water
Bravya – Rubin Discovers Light
Bravya – Azur Discovers Space
Bravya – Verdi Discovers Air
Bravya – Yella Discovers Earth
Children & Young Adults, Fiction | Fantasy | Adventure | Behavioral Issues / Friendship
Publishing rights of the series are now available.
A synopsis for an animated movie, closely based on the Bravya book series, is also available.
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